Kali nie aku tertarik nak berkongsi mengenai enjin carian baru iaitu "MyLook".Walaupun ianya tidaklah sehebat Google dan Yahoo tapi pada aku ia masih boleh digunakan.
Ditambah pula,sebagai pengguna "MyLook",kita akan dibayar untuk setiap carian yang dibuat melaluinya.Menarik bukan?
Apa itu "MyLook" sebenarnya?Baca keterangan dibawah yang aku 'sunting' daripada website "MyLook"...Selamat mencuba..
MyLook is the new search engine "owned" by it's users. For each search that a user does through Mylook.com that user is rewarded with 1 "share" in MyLook. These are not shares that are on a stock exchange but shares as part of the real life game that is MyLook. When dividends are awarded you will receive a real life money payment for each share you hold in MyLook.
While MyLook has not put advertising on the site to start paying dividends out yet - it is now a great opportunity for users to start building up their shares in MyLook now. Why? Lots of shares are being handed out in the early stages, and it might be gradually more difficult to earn shares later especially when they are paying out dividends monthly. MyLook is a ground floor opportunity to get into a startup, without any financial investment on your behalf - you just simply need to use MyLook.com as a search service.
While it may be more difficult to get shares later on, once you own a share in Mylook it's yours - for good. You will keep getting dividend payments on it for the life of the site, or for as long as you remain an active user of MyLook.
Click MyLook here now and start building up your shares today!
geez guna my look jugak..
tapi byk probz jugak la..
kdg2 tak jumpe pon nak search ape..
seb bek dapat duit!! hehehe
hmmm...... 1st time kot saya tengok search engine yang offer payment pada user....sempoi gak nie...
>aisha : a'ahlah..maybe sbb MyLook nie masih baru,so x cekap lagi kot..betul2,sib baik dpt duit..haha
>hazman : search engine baru,nielah cara dia nak tarik trafik..mari kita mencuba bersama-sama..
maC da mle gne.. malang la ta sggh cni awl klo x da dpt saham da encik ni..hihi
>macy : ala yer ker..terlepas satu saham..ahaks..
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